Oh, wow! I'm having a hard time responding to all of the emails! So little time. If possible send me long ones through DearElder and shorter ones for me to respond when I email, I only have an hour. Thank you all for writing me though, it's just the best. This week has been pretty good, nothing really crazy. In fact, we sort of do the same things all the time. Getting ready for things, eating food, being in the classroom, teaching our progressing investigators and laughing at the Chorotachi. (Elders) You asked how they are in your letter, and they're just great. Super funny most of the time, and they know when to be serious and work (again, most of the time) I have to remind myself that half of them just graduated from high school, ha. It's true though, we're all getting really close. They said on the first day that we would come to feel like a family and it's true already. They're all going to be so great in the field. Most of them are going to Sendai, but one companionship is going to Sapporo with us, so that'll be nice to see them when we can. One of these days (maybe today) I'll send some pictures.
So yes, Johnson Shimai has moved into the advanced language class and will be in Japan within a week, so crazy. It was sad to see her go, she's just so sweet, but I'm sure she's doing what she needs to help her grow the most. We're in a trio now, and it's working out just fine. We had already gotten to know each other so it wasn't a big change. We finished our first investigator, Zukeron San, and it was really great. They take it pretty easy on us the first time by pretending to understand our broken Japanese. In our last lesson you could feel the spirit so strong, it was awesome. I asked him if he would be baptized and he agreed, which he did for everyone that asked, but it was one of the best moments here in the MTC. I just can't wait to have that moment with a real kyudosha. After we did the lesson we went into an empty classroom and were just so happy and said a little prayer of gratitude. It was exactly what I needed that day, and I feel so much better about learning Nihogo when I think back to that. We started a few new investigators this week, but haven't done much with them yet.
I'm getting tired of the food a bit, but I've found a few things that are pretty good. We had gyros a few days ago, and I couldn't remember what the sauce was called. I think I might start just making my own salads though. We've been playing volleyball as a district, which has been really fun. I'm horrible, but everyone is so nice about it, ha. I asked everyone a riddle last time, and it drove them all crazy (the glass of water and gun one, Austin) It was really funny, but three of them got it before the day was over. I wish you could all spend a day getting to know everyone in my district, they are all so different, but so great. I'll write about them in more detail later today. We've had so super funny times already! Everything is just going good, I enjoy every day more and more. I wish I had more to share. I'm sure I'll think of things when I leave the lab and write you all another handwritten letter, so look out for it! Thanks for the cookies, they're awesome! And the hairspray, I really wanted some. I'm so happy you looked up that talk, I'd kind of like a hard copy of it actually. Maybe you could send me one?
That's all I have for now. I hope you all have a great week, I love you all more than I could say. Thanks for all of the prayers and support. See you soon.
Johnson Shimai
PS If you're reading this and Sophie is near, hug her now. I'm worried my doryotachi are tired of hearing Sophie stories. That picture she drew for me almost made my cry! I love Sophie!
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