So after fighting off the cold that my companions had caught, I finally succumbed. Not that it really kept us from dendoing all that much, but it did make it a little bit more of an experience. Maybe sent a few more tender mercies our way. :)
This was a great week though, I'll tell you some highlights: On Wednesday we went to lunch with a member and an investigator, Kimio san, that we are teaching. They both speak perfect English, so it was really fun to relax and have a fun lunch with them and get to know them a bit. Later in the week we actually went and visited Kimio san and looked at her beautiful garden. She then let us in and we had a really good talk. It was my first time doing a lesson with her, but I guess she really opened up and we were able to learn more about what her problems are. She really trusts the missionaries, which is so amazing to me. I hope that we can get her to put some things aside and come back to try the church out again. She needs that so very crucial change of heart.
We had a really great ward activity this week too, a 'fire meat party' (direct translation) we basically all sat on the bank of a beautiful river and grilled a bunch of meat and veggies with our little plastic wrapped rice balls in hand. It was a lot of fun, and more importantly a bunch of nonmembers came and were able to meet the members! There is one family that came that we are actually meeting tonight to go get sushi who really are just so sweet, I hope that we can get them to listen to our message. They are the most membery nonmembers I have ever met!
We also got to see some bamboo magic, it was so interesting! I wish I could explain it, but for the sake of time I will just let you guys imagine it up for yourselves.
Tomorrow we get to meet Nakatsuka Kaicho at the second ZTM of the transfer! He wants to meet everyone before he does transfer calls, ha ha. No pressure!
It was a great week, and I'm really excited for the next one too! Who can believe that I've almost been out a year and I'm going to be 21. Anyone? I sure can't. But I love you all, talk to you next week!

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