How is everyone? I had a good week this week, we officially have two progressing investigators! A young mom with four kids, Yamamoto san and Ochiai san, a cute grandma. We gave Yamamoto san a Book of Mormon and got to teach her a little bit about the Restoration. Next week we are talking about the plan of salvation a bit. :) She told us she would read the BOM and seems like she really has interest. Ochiai san had never let us into her house before, but last time we started talking about a painting in her genkan that it turns out she had painted herself. I pulled out a little book I have with some drawings in it and she decided to invite us in to show me some of her other stuff. It's fun using my love of art as a way to further the work of the Lord. :)
Last Pday a member took us and six other missionaries in taxis to go eat a giant parfait that was over $100 dollars! Nine people couldn't finish the beast, and four of them were elders, ha ha. It was really gross and delicious all at the same time. That night we were going on our way to go visit some people when Fujita Shimai told me that she felt like we should go house somewhere else instead. We ended up giving away a Book of Mormon to a guy who seems earnest and will read it, a man who made an appointment with us and also found a lady who used to be an investigator of the Elders! We have an appointment to go back tonight, and I am so excited! Thank you for listening to the spirit, my companion~ :)
We went last Saturday with the Kotoni Shimai and got taco rice at this cute hole in the wall place that played Taylor Swift in repeat for an hour. It was so much fun, I love Malmrose Shimai and Osugi Shimai, I am going to be so sad if they transfer. Having a four person apartment is the best!
Oh, and next Wednesday Elder Chirstofferson is going to come speak to us all! Our entire mission is getting together for it, I am really excited!
Love you all, have a good week~

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