hand! As he walked into the room you could feel a more intense
concentration of the spirit enter with him. I know that he, and the
other prophets are called by God, and that they do really receive
revelation for this whole church. He did a question answer session
with us and told us about how to find the people who have been
prepared through the Spirit. He talked about what it feels like to be
edified. And he shared some really deep scriptures with us. I want to
hang out with him everyday! It was a huge testimony strengthener of
the truthfulness of this gospel and the restoration.
This week for work, we weren't able to meet with either of our
strongest investigators. I was really down about that, but like
always, we will keep going back! We did have a lesson with a lady that
used to listen to the Elders before, she told us that she would come
to church in a few weeks after the one year after her husband's death
has passed. I think she wants to get back into this gospel and meet
with some of the friend members that she has.
Yesterday while we were on our way to dinner at a member's house, at
the furthest place from our apartment, my bike tire went flat. We
called the member but he didn't know how to fix it, so we called the
Yoshizawa and Brown Choro and they told us that they could! They went
back to their apartment and got their bike repair kit and met us at a
nearby park. I was super impressed to see them work, I owe them some
cookies. A member also came over to help out, which ended up being
really good, because once we got the tire back into place we realized
that there was a little problem... the inner tube was pushing through
the outer where it had been punctured and was starting to swell, it
got bigger and bigger until it burst! My tire was very, very dead.
Nishijima Kyodai took the bikes back to the apartment for us, he is
always serving us! That night we went back to the apartment to find
out that the bishop had been told about my problem and had come and
put a new tire on for me! I am so blessed to have so many Christlike
people around me, I learn from their examples everyday.
I love this work and and I love all of you, have a good week!

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