Our Masuda san roller coaster has been all up and down this week. We went to see her this week, it had been a while since we had been able to go and it turned out that she had gotten a shot in her spine that helped her pain go away and she is now wheelchair free! We asked her what she wanted to do about church and baptism since we had missed a lot of lessons and it was going to be hard to make it by the 28th and she told us she wasn't sure. So we all decided to pray and think about it.
She had told us that she probably wouldn't be able to come to church but to our surprise she showed up for the last hour! A lot of members talked to her and she had a really good time. Afterwards we went to her house and had a lesson and the old Masuda san was back! She was laughing and having a good time and just seemed really good and healthy. I really believe that her going to church and feeling the spirit changed her! We all decided to try and make it to our goal of the 28th for baptism! She is going to have a week full of trails I think, but we are going to do our best to get her to the font this next Sunday.
In other news, Amada Shimai came and went on splits with me this week, it was a lot of fun to work with her again, and I'm so glad that we got to before she goes home.
I also hit my one year in Japan! We celebrated by going to a indian curry place with the district (four of the members being my doki (the people I was in the MTC with and came to Japan together)) It was great.
Love you all, pray for Masuda san this week, please!

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