Well, hey there,
What did we do this week?
On Monday we went and visited one of our investigators with a baptism date, and it ended up being really weird! When we told her that the transfers had come and that Nagamine Shimai had gone to Ebetsu, she sort of freaked out. Holding our hands and saying over and over, "I'm glad we met" (of course in Japanese), over and over. She then proceeded to slide down to her knees, still holding our hands and started to cry. This being my sweet bean's very first P-day, I quickly pulled out the Book of Mormon read the first scripture I flipped to, said a prayer and we booked it out of there. Not entirely sure what to do about her at the moment, but we are working on it!
Poor Kempner Shimai!
Then that night we were about to start passing out some flyers for our English class when we bumped into John, the American guy we found a month ago that came to church and then was never heard from again. And he didn't remember me! I guess he has some memory issues. We talked for a while and it was apparent that he really had no clue who we were, so we wrote him a note to go home and read the Book of Mormon and told him we'd sent the Elders his way. It was a werid day to say the least!
Our highlight of the week was going by and seeing Kikuchi san this week. She told us about how she had been feeling a lot pain in her hips lately and a few days ago she decided to pray about it, and guess what! The pain went away completely. We had a perfect opportunity to talk about faith, which just so happened to be what we had prepared to share with her. We were able to tell her that she has faith, and even though right now she doesn't know about a lot of things at church, she has a great starting point. We fixed her a new date and she told us it would be okay to go over all of the lessons again in prep for her baptism. I feel really good about it all, I think it should all happen without too much trouble.
We also were able to see Masuda san yesterday, finally. She had gone the hospital and we were having a really hard time getting in contact with her. So yesterday we felt like we should stop by and see if she was home, and the light was on! We were able to talk for awhile and Kempner Shimai got to say hello. We have an appointment to go see her next Tuesday.
And wasn't conference awesome! I know I am a week behind, but it was so good! Can't wait to read them all again. It was really sad since it was my last one as a missionary. So bittersweet.
Love you all so much, thank you for all you are doing!
Love you all so much, thank you for all you are doing!

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