Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 12. Baptism happened! And...transfer week (December 8, 2013)

Koho san is now Koho shimai! It was such a wonderful day! Probably the
best day of my mission so far! Sadly she is back in China though, and
will be until March. We are planning on writing letters back and forth
while she is over there, it's important that we keep in contact with
her, even though she isn't here. We might even be able to Skype her at
some point at a member's house.

I still have a hard time believing that I already had a baptism, it
just sort of came out of nowhere! I am very, very blessed.

Kimura san had a great week too. We challenged her to pray about a
baptism date for before the year ends, she agreed, and we will get her
answer about whether or not she will get dunked tomorrow. :) The
lesson we had with her last time was so good, the spirit was there so
strongly, that she at one point stopped talking and started crying. I
was touched, the power of the Holy Ghost is real, and it can penetrate

We also did some service for a member, we cleaned the outside of her
house and then she made us lunch. I was able to reach some high places
that she had been unable to for awhile, good thing I'm tall! :)

It's been a great week overall, and now that it's finished we are at
transfer week! It is very possible that I will get another companion,
if not a new area! I am nervous!

I love this gospel, and I love you all. Thanks for all you do for me. :)


Week 11. Baptism! (December 1, 2013)

We are having a baptism tonight! :)

For Koho san! After our second lesson with her she told us that she
wanted to get baptized! Before she goes back to China in seven days!
We were so shocked, and so pleased, but a little unsure if it would
actually work out.

But Heavenly Father works in ways we just don't understand!

She met all of the requirements, and after a very long interview, she
came out with a pass! Needless to say, she has taken up most of our
time this week, but it has been the best one of my mission. She is
such a rare find too, every question we would ask her she would
respond to with a better answer than we probably could have come up
with. A truely golden investigator. So we celebrated by having a
Thanksgiving Eikaiwa, which only a handful of people came to, but it
was still fun. :)

We also had Zone Training this week, it went great. The workshops were
all really good. The best part was doing the interview with President
Evans. Even though it was short, he was able to help me sort through a
few things that had been heavy on my mind for a few weeks. He is such
a great president!

Kimura san also came to church this week! There hasn't been a lot of
progress with her lately, but after this baptism we are going to be
all fired up.

Koho san and her baptism are a miracle, there is nothing much else to
say about it. I am so excited for her and for the step she is taking
in her life. I honestly can't say that we can take much credit for it.
We were just there so the Spirit could work through us, and confirm
these truths to her. I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of
this. Missions are the best.

Love you all, so glad you had a great Thanksgiving!


Week 10 and a Golden Investigator? (November 24, 2013)

What a week!

First of all, we finally found an investigator! She is a member's
friend from China! And, she speaks English!

We taught her last Thursday for the first time, the lesson was so
great.:) The spirit was so strong as we were teaching, and it felt so
good to be able to contribute a full 50%. She asks the best questions
too, they always would lead into the next subject we were going to
talk about. When we asked her if she would read the Book of Mormon,
she looked down for a minute and then told us that she would, and that
in fact, she would read it every night before she went to sleep! She's

Our next lesson with her is later today, we're doing a team up with
her friend that referred her to us. There is a dowside though, she is
going back to China in December, we're not sure what day, but probably
before we would be able to get her baptized. But it's okay! She'll
probably come back to new missionaries and get baptized then. I am
just so excited to be a part of her conversion now. Can't wait to meet
with her today. :)

Kimura san, hm. Sadly, I dont have any new news on her. We had a great
lesson where the Elders teamed up with us, and we were able to answer
her questions, but we left with nothing too different. She just is
happy not progressing. :( We are going to keep at it though. I think
she is just afraid to recognize her answer and make this life
changing step.

This next week is Zone Training, should be great. And after that we
are sort of out of time with this transfer, time just keeps flying.
Also, it is getting cold!

Love you all, have a great week,


Week Nine, New Investigator! (November 17, 2013)

Hello Family,

I hit my fourth month mark! It came so quick!

This last week was very uneventful. Smith Shimai got sick so we spent
THREE days inside. It was so, so long. I keep myself busy by
organizing the area books and my desk, and I ended up doing a bit of
drawing when I got really desperate. It was so hard staying in and not
doing any real work. Hopefully we can both stay healthy from now on!
It might be a trick though, the entire ward is sick.

We met with Kimura san again this week. The lesson was tough. No
members came with us this time, and its been weeks since shes been
able to come to church, and you can really tell. We also ended up
staying way too long, and I just felt weird about it most of the time
we were there. At the end of the lesson, I shared my testimony about
the Savior, and suddenly everything was so much better. It was
incredible how quickly the spirit was there! I am hopeful that she was
able to feel it too, and that maybe she can keep progressing.

Yesterday at church we had a member bring a friend, she's a student at
Hokkaido University from China. We're really excited to meet with her
next Thursday. During church she asked so many good questions, and
seemed really interested. She is pretty great. Also, she speaks
English! Score! :)

Honestly, thats pretty much all for this week. Love you all! Thanks
for all you do! Take care.



Monday, December 2, 2013