This week has been really good, the weather has gotten a lot warmer
but we do have some wind blowing. (skirts are so dangerous!)
We had a great Zone Conference, Aoyagi Elder came and talked to us,
after the conference we were so pumped that we ran from door to door a
few times, ha ha. Also at the conference we were told that Elder
Christofferson is coming next month to speak to our mission! I am so
excited! It's been a long time since we had an Apostle come, I am a
lucky missionary. :)
The other day while we were going down a hill on our bikes I stopped a
girl. She was super nice and funny and we were able to make an
appointment with her for next, next week. She wouldn't tell us her
address, but she told us she would meet us in front of the nearby
store, ha ha. We did get her phone number though!
This week we did a lot of contacting.. In fact, we contacted 150ish
people, which is a record for me! I am hopeful that we will find some
one to listen soon.
The other day a member took us to the top of a mountain to see the
view of the city at night. Sapporo is just beautiful. I am a very
blessed girl to be able to serve here. I love this work and I know the
gospel is true.
And I can't wait to call my mom in a few weeks!
Love you all!