Spring is coming! The bikes have come to us too, we will be riding soon! It was really out of the blue, actually... one day it was blowing snow in our faces and the next it was all sunshine. Of course, we still have colder ones but for the most part we are in the clear! Good thing, It is April tomorrow, after all. :)
We went and contacted a referral from the Elders this week, a little old Grandma named Tomita san. She told us pretty quickly that she wasn't interested in our message, but that she wanted us to come in and talk to her. That's always a really hard placed to be put in. We have to make sure that we are doing what we came here to do, teach, but on the other hand, people never usually even give us any time to talk to them. We went in and talked to her for a while, and I love her! She recently got back from a trip to England with her daughter. While she was there she saw Paul McCartney! It came and did a sudden concert and she just happened to be there! She also saw Les Mis. and started putting the movie on for us, which we couldn't watch, ha ha. She's also into art, so she asked me to draw her something and gave me some colored pencils to do it, ha ha. We now have a reason to go back, I just hope we can find a way to share some of the message with her... I want to hang out with her one day after I'm not a missionary!
This week we also got the chance to work with Evans Shimai, it was a lot of fun! We visited an investigator who wasn't home, heart attacked a member and stopped by and saw an old NA who we invited to the RS party. Evans Shimai was so awesome though! She is so bold, she went to the next door neighbors or the not home investigator and tried to get them to come out and talk to us by telling them that we thought their house was pretty, ha ha. The NA that we visited, Sakai Shimai, also was able to go to the party and she had a lot of fun. Hopefully some of the members will be able to pick her up and take her to church from now on!
We went to a birthday party and the Sawaguchi Family's place for Elder Takemura, it was a lot of fun! We ate "omrice" the most Mexican food-y Japanese food I've ever eaten (I will get the recipe) and chocolate cheese cake! Yoshizawa Elder also did some magic to end the night, it was a lot of fun!
All is well here in Sapporo. I love you all!

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