but it could change suddenly. I felt like she seemed happier as well,
which I credit to the fact that she has been reading The Book of
Mormon, that book works miracles. She is still progressing, I think
she will be ready for baptism by the end of the month, as long as none
of the commandments slow her down.
Kimura shimai is wonderful, as well. She finished The Book of Mormon,
and is fitting in more and more as a regular member. The ward has done
a really good job of taking care of her, esp the Relief Society. I
love the Shinkotoni ward members.
We had our first lesson with Kaga san this week too. She is the soon
to be wife of an NA, she was referred to us by the mother in law. Kaga
san was pretty nervous at frist (due to the inlaws, I'm sure) but as
we taught she seemed to calm down. She even made some comment about
how she felt good, thank you Holy Ghost. :) It was a good lesson,
although it was sudden. We had planned to just do an introduction, but
they are hoping to finish the lessons before the wedding next month..
just in time for a baptism! I hope! I wasn't ready to teach though, we
didn't have a plan or anything, so I felt really bad that I wasn't as
supportive as I should have been. But we are going to go back and I
look forward to it!
This week we also had zone conference. A couple mission doctors came
and did some workshops, my favorite was about dealing with mission
stress. They gave is a little booklet to fill out and do some self
evaluations, ha ha. I will probably be doing it, yes. I don't think my
level of stress is a problem, in fact, I feel really great. But I'll
probably check it out just the same.
After the conference we went to the Yuki Matsuri! (Sapporo snow
festival, you know, the giant snow sculptures!) It was so neat! I will
send some pictures! Sadly, my camera doesn't like the cold, so it was
hard to take a lot, and we really were able to see a small portion of
it, so I don't have as many pictures as I would have liked. I will
just have to come to Sapporo again after the mission and get the full
effect. :)
It was a good week, I love my companion and the people I work with.
The other day Amada shimai came into the very chilly study room and
said in a very serious tone, "its a cold world" and continued on with
what she was doing. She has no idea how much I enjoy her! I hope you
all have a good week and you stay warm. We are doing our best here.
Love you all. Have a good Valentine's day! <3

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