I am now a Teine Shimai! I'm still in the city, but just a new area. This place is actually right next to Shinkotoni, maybe I will be able to see my dear Shinkotoni members every once in a while. Watabe AP told me recently that Teine is the smallest area in the mission, ha ha. It actually opened to sisters four transfers ago, so the investigator pool is kind of small.. in fact. There are no real progressing investigators. But we are ready to work and see some miracles! My companion's name is Murray Shimai. She is from Washington state and is super funny. I think we'll have a really fun time. She knows a bunch of good, nerdy things. :) Our apartment is a four people one, its weird to have another set of missionaries around but its nice too! So, all is well.
The view from the apartment is so pretty, You can see the city and all of the mountains from our apartment! We actually live in the Kotoni area, and have to travel everyday to Teine, it takes about 30 min everyday. Sort of a pain, but we will deal with it.
Church was really great. I like the ward a lot. I guess the members always have us over. We have 4 dinner apts. this week, thats more than we had in a transfer in Shinkotoni! Evans Shimai had a friend come to church, she said she was going to come next week too. So I hope we are able to teach her!
Thats all I have for this week. Love you all!

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