We finally were able to meet Sai san, a potential investigator from
the end of last transfer. She told us that she wanted to come to
church when the snow melted and the roads were safer. We're going to
go back and try to make an appointment to teach her before that
happens though. I am really excited about her!
Another thing I am really exicted about--during our Eikaiwa (English
class) prep at the Seiyu, big Walmart-y store that is also a small
mall, I almost ran into a lady when we were walking. It's pretty
normal to almost run into people here, since they are usually shorter
than me and walk really quickly, but this time it was different. She
just stood there and looked at me with this really surprised look on
her face. But we kept on walking, wondering why I got such a strong
reaction, when a few seconds later the same lady stops us and (in
perfect English) launches into a story about how she had listened to
the lessons 50 years ago, and is still in contach with her Elders. One
of them had emailed her recently and she just happened to have looked
at the email earlier that day. So then she ran (almost literally) into
us today, and felt like she needed to talk to us. We were a bit
surprised. We invited her to Eikaiwa, but she told us it was too far,
and that in fact, the Elders had called her earlier that week and
invited her. She talked to us for a minute and quickly made her exit,
leaving us a bit confused but glad all at the same time.
So, we were very excited when she ended up coming to Eikaiwa that
night. :) We weren't able to make her commit to anything, but we
talked to her about the Holy Ghost a bit afterwards, and how many
times things are not just coincidences. If she doesn't come to Eikaiwa
this week, we are going to drop by her house. I feel like her 50 year
wait for baptism has finally ended. :)
And one last good thing! When we were knocking on doors the other day,
we randomly found another potential investigator! She was the one who
came to church my first week in Teine because Evans Shimai invited
her. It was completely unplanned, but really awesome. We almost didn't
stick to our plan to go housing in the area, since we had gotten lost
and we were running out of time to do all the things we wanted to. We
stayed strong though and kept looking for the area, and boom, we found
her! Out of all of the places we could have gone, we randomly found
someone we'd talked to before. It was actually a bit awkward, ha ha,
we had no idea what to say to her, but I don't think we went there on
It was a week full of surpises. Also, I ate my first okonomiyaki. Oh
my goodness. It is sooooo good! I will be making it for you when I get
home! I will maybe put a picture in here. The food here is just too
good sometimes.
Well, I love you all, that is a wrap. Have a good week, read your
scriptures everyday. Bye-bye!

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