What a great conference we had this last week! I can hardly wait to get the Liahona so I can check them out again. We are so blessed to have a living Prophet on the earth at this time. I know that he, and his Apostles are really called of God, and that we can learn what it is that our Heavenly Father wants us to know from listening to their words.
My very favorite was President Uchtdorf's talk about gratitude. I loved when he talked about how gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. I have decided that I am going to make a more conscience effort to have gratitude, no matter what circumstances I'm in. Sometimes I get caught up in looking towards, or worrying, about things that are coming but not actually here yet. I am resolved to keep my mind on the now and be grateful for every minute I'm given.
The sister meeting was really good as well! The little video clip they showed may have made me cry (I'm turning into my mother!) and of course President Monson's about love.
I also loved Elder Scott, W. Craig Zwick and of course Elder Holland and Elder Eyring.
What a beautiful conference!
Besides conference, this week was pretty average. We were able to meet with Nunokawa san, but were not able to have a real lesson. She talked a lot about the church she's already a part of, and insisted on sending us with a magazine from her church. That was a bummer! She still loves the Book of Mormon. I don't know what to do yet, but we'll keep trying.
Transfers are are this week, I am most likely to be getting a new companion! Changes are scary, sad and yet so good.
I love you all so much! Have a good week!

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