Spring is tricky this week. We thought it was here, and then the snow came back with a vengence. Today seems promising though, I feel like this next week will really be a good one.
While we were housing this week we found a very hard woman. She grilled us with questions from the bible in very hard Japanese. I had no idea what she was talking about most of the time. She ended up telling us to go away at the end saying that we probably didn't know what we were talking about and that we just were wasting our time. It was hard to take, but she was not willing to really listen to anything we had to say. I was so frustrated because I don't like my weakness in language to come across as a lack of testimony.
We were due for a little tender mercy from our Father in Heaven, and he was ready to give it to us. We had planned to go to For You, a member's cute little restaurant with the best food for dinner. When we got there we found Nunokawa san, an old investigator that Murray Shimai had re-found last transfer. She has been sick for awhile and I hadn't met her yet. She told us that she had just called us but we didn't answer. So she was just as surprised as I was to see us. We were able to talk with her for a long time and share some scriptures. She's had some hard things happen to her when she was younger, which has left her a little bit scarred. I was able share Ether 12:4 with her about how we can have hope in this life, and how it comes from faith in Jesus Christ.
That night she called us and thanked us but she had to leave a message since it was after 10. We called her back and we are trying to make an appointment with her for next week.
We also met with a cute little grandpa, Murehisa san, who speaks perfect English. He didn't really want to listen to our message, so it might be hard to meet again, but it was a lot of fun.
It was a good week here in Teine! I love you all so much!

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